Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą activity-based. Pokaż wszystkie posty
Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą activity-based. Pokaż wszystkie posty

środa, 2 października 2013

Activity duration distribution - how to get it?


We got distribution for 'time-of-day' choices for Home-Work trips and Work-Home trips. What we need is distribution of work-time duration. We needed it to populate activity chains. Here's the solution which I particulary like as a smart way to solve complex issue and exploit sources that are available.


Our Uni (Cracow University of Technology) jointly with (Poznan University of Technology) gave another try for activity based models (it's a broader project incorporating MATsim + electric taxi dispatching, etc.), but our small part is to create damand input for agent-based model (MATsim).
What we had is an out-dated survey made for activities (year 2000) and quite recent classic travel survey. We need to make use of this as seamless as possible.





Let’s define following linear program.
Inputs are HW and WH time-of-day vectors and variable is the duration distribution vector Dw.
Let’s define the mapping m(HW, Dw) à WHt  as follows:

a)      let’s calculate cross product of vector HW  and transposed Dw shifted left by respective travel start time t(HW(i)):    WHt = HW×((Dw + t(HW(i))T

b)      Then compute output: theoretical  WH vector, as column sum of resulting matrix WHt

c)      Objective function is likelihood between  WHt  and WH (either r2, either MRSE, or log- likelihood, whatever).

Solution of this problem gives results as follows:


We got what we needed: duration of time spent at work, from weel founded input that we had. We didn't need to make extra surveys - we just exploited what was available.