wtorek, 2 listopada 2010

Elevator Dispatch Problem

Optimization Problem:
To define a dispatch pattern of elevators group so that global waiting time and/or PassKm/PasH are minimized.

The problem is usually described in off-line terms as an optimization problem solved with operational research methods.

I don't know yet if this problem is considered in terms of stochastic process with demand model defined as a random event described with distributions obtained from demand data.

Therefore my idea of a solution to elevators dispatch problem is:
 to find an optimal waiting-for-orders-position of elevator based on historic demand data. Objective function would be a function of vector [P]=[P1,P2,...Pn] of positions of elevators. Value of this function would be either scalar or vector cost of operations in terms of waiting time/passKm/Energy etc. 
Objective function value would be calculated based on historic demand database defined stochastically. Value would be obtained from a modeled stochastic process, (series of processes) and value would be result of random stochastic process.
Database would become a Knowledgebase with growing data sample size (growing history), and random process would become more and more described and defined though still random.

the initial idea was mine and independent, though those guys were first and should be referenced:
M. Ruokokoski, H. Ehtamo, S. Sorsa, M.-L. Siikonen, 2008:
Passenger Allocation to Capacitated Elevators. Working

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